Thursday, July 31, 2008


For some reason I thought it was Friday all day... that's until I talked to Mel a min ago while she was stuck in what sounded like some pretty wretched traffic on delta highway (tipped over semi!). She asked me what day it was and I said I don't know, I think it's Friday. But then she said, no, it's Thursday. And then I thought back to last night when I went to boxing and no-gi class and realized that was on Wednesday. So it must actally be Thursday.

I don't know why but I think it's Friday all the time now. Except on the weekend. Then it's the weekend. But every other day seems to be Friday. Or maybe it's just Thursday and Friday that seems to be merging together for me. I vote we just get rid of Thrusday and have two Fridays. Fridays seems to be more fun.

Except it's not Friday and I'm having a lot of fun today. So maybe we should just keep Thursday around for a while. It would probably really mess up a lot of software out there if we decided to get rid of Thursday and have two Friday's instead.

But really doesn't - Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri, Fri - just sound like a lot more fun???

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