Friday, February 6, 2009


It was fun watching Ben, James and Matt roll today. Sucks not to roll but I have been taking a lot of notes lately that I think will help me out.

This guy came in and while Matt and Ben were rolling. He was on the sidelines "coaching". They started joking that they found their new coach and it was a good thing he came along. The guy kept talking so Ben told him to get in the ring and show them what he meant - so he did.  It was pretty sad. He rolled with Matt for like 5 minutes and was stuck in the triangle from every possible position the whole time. Either that or the arm bar. But Matt said he was afraid of breaking his arm after he smelled the alcohol on him. So he just tied him up the whole time. That guy is going to be sore tomorrow. There was a lot of struggling going on. He tapped several times but then kept crawling back in Matt's guard like he wasn't done. Ben kept yelling out the same coaching advise the guy had been giving them. It was kinda funny. After a while they just told him that his time was up cause they wanted to get back to training.

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