I accidentally dislocated someone's jaw once, that was directly my fault as opposed to the knee/jaw collision here. It's important to keep your mouth closed in contact sports. I really don't understand why there are people who chew gum in jiu-jitsu. WTF people? You could choke on it or spit it on someone or on the mat or you could end up with your mouth open when something lands on your chin. All around bad idea.
I fractured someone's rib once too, but I think that was his fault cause he put his arms up and told me to hit him so I did (while we were training of course). He was a bodybuilder. I don't think he realized that lifting weights doesn't strengthen your ribs.
This sounds bad but I actually have good control and people rarely get injured from me. I can't say the same about the girl who kneed me in the eye socked after the Marcelo Garcia seminar. Apparently she's know for kneeing people in the face... in jiu-jitsu. That's wrong.
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