Today: I went to baskin robins and the girl there asked me how long I'd been getting these (a blast). I thought about it and wasn't even sure if I wanted to say; it kind of surprised me when I thought about how long it was. I said, "I think about 8 years... I'm old" and she said said, "you don't look that old." How old is "that old"? How old do you have to be to buy ice cream anyway?
I don't really think I'm that old, though I'm sure Mel would beg to differ. If she tries to imagine herself my age she thinks it seems old. I told her if Obama serves 8 years I'll be 40 when he's out of office. I think her brain froze up. Either that or she was having so many thought her face froze while her mind spun. It was pretty funny.
It made me think of this article again... "Modern Foraging: Tried and True versus Novelty: Some of us prefer the tried and true, and others search high and low for novelty. Why?"
I don't think anybody fits entirely into one or the other category. In a way I'm all about novelty and trying new thing. But lots of things I just do because I know them and know I like them.
I drive the same back roads and don't get tired of them. It's not cause I don't want to try new ones. It's just because these are the closest ones and they're pretty good. Not that I don't try others when I have more time. They're just convenient.
When I need to pick a route I usually like to test out all my options and then pick one way. I like taking the same path usually. But ocassionally I'll go a different way just to change it up.
I like to move my furniture around, always have. I was once up at three in the morning in high schoold trying to push my dresser into my closet (it would only work at one very specfic angle).
I've moved my bed three times in the 19 months I've lived here.
At the gas station today the attendant told me he used to be a Chevy guy till he got his Bronco and now he's Ford all the way. I wanted to say I used to be a Porsche person till I drove a Lotus. Aaaaaaaaaah, the Lotus. Not that I don't like Porsches. I just like the Lotus better. Cheaper, slicker and more fun. And better gas mileage.
Learning/finding new things is exciting and expands your world. Old things are comfortable and easy. Both are good.
I don't really feel I'm one way or the other; I'm both. I think you need both.
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