Sunday, August 3, 2008

party weekend

Went to Jill's party last night. Today there's party for NWMA today, a potluck at Armitage State Park. So busy busy busy. Especially considering the 6 hours it took to shop for, purchase and transport the trees yesterday.

There was a lot of me reaching up and touching my head last night. It feels funny, like I'm not touching my own head. I would forget that my hair was gone and then remember periodically. Interesting experience. I had a funny conversation with this one guy there. I was talking about all the new sensations. He had the same haircut so he knew what I was talking about and we bonded over our haircuts. It was funny. Here are some fun facts about a buzz cut:
  • Touching the top of your head is fun - for your hand. Not so much for your head. It feels weird to have all the little hairs moving individually under your fingers. Like over stimulation. I think my head is slowly getting used to it though because I keep reaching up and touching it.
  • When the wind blows through your hair you can feel it passing around each of the hairs. Totally weird!
  • You can also feel the sun seeping through. I think I'll need to put sunscreen on my head today so I don't burn my head. My hair looks more blonde now that it's short. It's not providing much protection.
  • Laying on your pillow feels strange. The back of my hair grows down and it's short so it grates on the pillow a little. The hair on the top of my head stands up though, like grass in a lawn.
  • The back of your neck gets cold easy! I need more jackets with hoods.

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