Saturday, August 16, 2008

Lightning Storm

It's lightening out there. Bright enough that I could see it with my eyes shut from inside my bedroom where I was attempting to go to
sleep. The first time I saw it thru my closed eyes I was facing the window. The second time I was facing the wall. The thunder was deep
and long and rumbling. So I went outside to check it out. There was a lot more lightning. It was so bright it was blinding. The whole sky went white and for the next minute I could see the impression of it when I blinked.

Now, 40 min later, the first raindrops are starting to fall. I have to run outside again. I've been waiting for this moment to feel the rain on my head with the new haircut.


Anonymous said...

Ok, that post made me laugh out loud a work! You've been waiting HOW long for rain???
Man, it rains every DAY here in CT!

@nn!e said...

It rains every day there - even in the summer? This is Oregon so I wasn't really "waiting" for long. I just wanted to see what it felt like when my hair is 1/2 an inch "long". But the lighenting storm was new for me. There weren't a lot of those in so cal, if any. A few stray bolts here and there but nothing like this. It was pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

Ok, maybe it doesn't rain EVERY day, but often enough that I don't need to water any outside plants!

That's cool about the lightning storm, though. I don't think I'd miss those if I never saw another one. Not a fan.