Thursday, January 1, 2009

txt messaging after midnight

Jills txt to Ellie (her caps, not mine) at 12:12am...
(She's not much of a txt messager.)

What happened is that I'd just relayed the story from earlier tonight in Muay Thai class and she thought it was very important to let Ellie know asap.  She wanted to put "Happy New Year" first but this was her 2nd attempt and it had been almost 5 minutes in the making so she just sent it as is.

Earlier, I had been at Muay Thai and Moe was boxing with George and all of a sudden George is going in for a punch and so is Moe only George sees that Moe is not making the normal face for punching someone, it's a little more twisted up looking. Then he (warning: this is gross), he smells it coming and ducks out of the way just in time. Nasty. He mopped the mats down but then used the vacuum cleaner on the carpet. That just seems wrong.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, thanks for the 'warning, this is gross' heads up. I was eating while reading, and this is not the ideal post to read while eating!